As a result of this two-year contract, SIMMONS EDECO will provide wellhead and valve maintenance services for all North Sea assets owned by this valued customer.
In addition, the company will continue to provide onshore repair and refurbishment services for these assets, manage equipment and supplies, and provide custom engineering solutions, as needs arise.
To ensure integrity of all production valves, the company will also manage the ongoing programme of valve integrity testing and maintenance.
To carry out these operations, personnel at the company’s recently expanded European base of operations in Great Yarmouth, England provides engineering, operational and administrative support.
For more than 55 years, SIMMONS EDECO has successfully supported numerous operators with its range of specialist wellhead and valve maintenance services throughout the North Sea.
Over the years, the company has worked on behalf of numerous operators, many of which are longterm customers.
SIMMONS EDECO valve & well service manager Brian Kelly said: “During the past 15 years, we have cultivated an extremely effective working relationship with this operator in the North Sea.
“We welcome the opportunity to ensure that its assets operate safely and reliably for years to come.”
Source: Company Press Release.