Table 2: Design summary of CFRDs constructed in Turkey

(*) Height from foundation
(**) Area of concrete-faced slab
(***) Thickness of concrete-faced slab

Dam H* (m) Upstream slope Downstream slope Foundation rock Source of rockfill A** (m2) Shape factor (A/H2) d*** (m) Plinth
Width (m) Thickness (m) Grouting
Kurtun 133,00 1,0-1,41 1,0-1,5 Granodiorite Granodiorite-Diabase 28.392 1.61 0,30 +0.003H 4,0-7.0 0.40-0.70 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 9,00m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing depth of (H/3+15) m
Torol 152,00 1,0-1,41 1,0-1,5 Limestone-Basalt-Tuff Basalt-Granite 36.387 1.57 0,35 +0.003H 4,0-8.0 0.40-0.70 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 16,00m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing and a depth of 47.0m to 52.0m
Atasu 118,00 1,0-1,41 1,0-1,5 Basalt-Andesite Diorite-Basalt-Limestone 36.943 2.65 0,30 +0.0035H 4,0-10.5 0.40-0.70 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 11,00m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing depth of (H/3) m
Dim 134,50 1,0-1,4 1,0-1,5 Schist-Limestone Limestone 40.521 2.24 0,30 +0.0035H 5.0-9.5 0.40-0.70 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 10,00m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing depth 26.0m to 44.0m
Gordes 94,90 1,0-1,4 1,0-1,5 Schist-Marble Basalt-Limestone 53.954 6.53 0,35 +0.0031H 5,0-9.5 0.40-0.70 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 10,00m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing and 37.0m depth
Marmaris 74 1,0-1,6 1-1,6 Peridotite Dunite 23,000 5.79 0,30 +0.0033H 4,0-5.27 0.34-0.62 2 rows consolidation grouting with 3,0m spacing and 7,5m depth; Curtain grouting with 3,0m spacing and 40.0m depth