Table 2: Least cost heirarchy of Lao hydropower projects at August 2004

* Levelized adjusted weighted basis, including social and environmental positives and negatives. ** Not in LCE planning shown in Table 1
Source: Laos Power System Development Plan, August 2004

Rank Project Size (MW) Output (GWh/yr) Cost* (c/kWh) Market
1 Nam Theun 2 1,074 5922 1.6 Thailand
2 Theun Hinboun expansion** 105 686 2.4 Thai/VN
3 Tha Kho 30 214 2.6 Domestic
4 Nam Mo 125 603 2.7 Vietnam
5 Xe Kaman 3 250 1369 2.8 Vietnam
6 Xe Kaman 1 470 2086 3.1 Vietnam
7 Nam Ngum 2 460 1901 3.2 Thailand
8 Xe Kong 5** 400 1795 3.2 Vietnam
9 Nam Sane 3** 60 283 3.3 Domestic
10 Nam Ngiep 1 330 1537 3.8 Thailand
11 Xe Kong 4** 490 2257 3.8 Vietnam
12 Nam Ngum 3 690 2859 3.9 Thailand
13 Huay Lamphang Ngai 60 250 4.0 Domestic
14 Nam Pot** 25 99 4.6 Domestic
15 Nam Ngum 5 75 317 5.4 Domestic
16 Nam Bak 2B** 85 389 5.6 Domestic
17 Nam Long** 12 63 6.2 Domestic
18 Nam Sim** 10 47 7.1 Domestic
19 Xe Katam** 13 60 8.1 Domestic
Total 4,764 22,737