Toccoa Falls, Georgia 5 November 1977 Kelly Barnes dam failed, killing 39 students and college staff and causing about US$2.5M in damages.
Laurel Run, Pennsylvania 19-20 July 1977 Laurel Run dam failed, killing over 40 people and causing US$5.3M in damages.
Teton, Idaho 5 June 1976 Eleven people perished when Teton dam failed. The failure caused an unprecedented amount of property damage totalling more than US$1B.
Rapid City, South Dakota 9 June 1972 The Canyon Lake dam failure took an undetermined number of lives (estimates range from 33 to 237). Damages, including destruction of 1335 homes, totalled more than US$60M.
Buffalo Creek Valley, West Virginia 26 February 1972 The failure of a coal-waste impoundment at the valleys head took 125 lives, and caused more than US$400M in damages, including destruction of over 500 homes.
Los Angeles, California December 1963 The failure of Baldwin Hills Dam killed 5 people, destroyed 41 homes, and damaged over 1000 homes and apartment buildings.
San Francisquito Canyon, California 19-20 March 1928 The St. Francis dam failure killed over 450 people and destroyed 10 bridges and more than 1200 homes.
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 31 May 1889 The city of Johnstown was devastated, and 2209 people were killed following the failure of South Fork dam, located nine miles upstream.
Williamsburg, Massachusetts 16 May 1874 The Mill River dam failure killed 139 people, and destroyed a number of factories, as well as more than 700 homes in Williamsburg, Leeds, Skinnerville, and Haydenville.
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