The system is designed to monitor the circuit-breaker drive operability as well as checks the triggering system reliability, and the closed circuit.
The system will issue an alert for maintenance of a component in case if the measured values and preset values do not tally, thereby allowing efficient planning of maintenance routes and making the switchgear reliable.
All functional components including power supply, data acquisition system and data memory, optical fiber communication system and the web server for data visualization are integrated into a switchgear cabinet slide-in module, to simplify the installation and configuration of the monitoring system.
The system’s integrated data memory compares actual switching operation with preconfigured limit values and notifies potential discrepancies to the control center.
Capable of being integrated as a standalone component in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and integrated substation condition monitoring (ISCM) systems, the Assetguard MVC can serve as monitoring system for medium-voltage switchgear.