Under the two-year deal, SGS will conduct supervision services for the construction works at seven storage stations, pumping stations and a maritime terminal for oil dispatch and reception.

SGS said 16 of its on-site supervision specialists will oversee several phases of construction which include civil, mechanical, instrumentation, control and electrical infrastructure as well as fire fighting protection.

The OCENSA oil line in Colombia links the Cusiana and Cupiagua fields in the Llanos Basin with the Port of CoveƱas on the Caribbean coast.

The 830 km pipeline has a capacity of 560,000 barrels per day, accounting for about 60% of total Colombian oil production.

Services to be offered by SGS under the deal include quality assurance, reviewing schedules, monitoring procurement, risk and cost, overseeing the baseline scope of construction contractors and securing the administrative and legal processes.

The deal also requires SGS to offer construction services, specifically customized to safeguard the completion of the infrastructure projects along the OCENSA pipeline.