The focus of the program was to test shallow targets located close to proposed infrastructure at the Goose Property.
A new discovery was made at the Convergence where visible gold (VG) has been identified within a mineralized interval of 3.70m.

Encouraging results also continued at the Kogoyok target (Sabina 2015 news releases October 13), where gold mineralization has been intersected in drilling with VG identified in multiple rock units over a broad area supporting the expansion and definition of a large-scale gold structure.

Additionally drilling at the Hivogani target has continued to expand the host area and further characterized the new mineralization styles.

Bruce McLeod, President and CEO, states, "The results from this round of exploration drilling are encouraging in that we continue to find new zones of mineralization in and around our existing deposits.

"While still early days, the results at the Kogoyok and Convergence zones show many of the characteristics that are commonly associated with the other substantial gold zones at Back River. Using the analogue of our Umwelt discovery in 2010 we know that these large scale gold bearing structures when associated with the right geologic traps have the potential to host significant economic gold zones.

"We also continue to show the potential for gold mineralization to be hosted outside the iron formation host rock at Hivogani. We are excited about the potential of these areas and I look forward to further exploration as we continue to refine our vectoring of mineralization towards new deposit discovery."

At Convergence, a Horizontal Loop Electromagnetic ("HLEM") geophysical survey grid covering approximately 12 kilometres identified a total of 8 new anomalies that are coincident with Back River iron formation stratigraphy.

Drill testing of one of the anomalies in hole 16GSE500 returned a new discovery with an intercept of 3.84g/t over 3.70m including VG noted within multiple samples. Follow up drilling of an additional three (3) holes in this zone continued to return significant gold assays analagous to Back River style mineralization (see significant gold results – table 1).

The Company is encouraged by the newly discovered gold zone with an additional five (5) anomalies remaining for exploration follow up.

The Kogoyok prospect was discovered and partially characterized through 2015 field work. High-grade mineralization discoveries from outcrop grab samples (up to 33.86g/t Au grab sample; see Sabina news release October 13, 2015) occur near the convergence of an untested segment of iron formation stratigraphy with gold-bearing felsic intrusions.

The Kogoyok target zone is over 600m in length, with partially coincident HLEM and Induced Polarization ("IP") anomalies and positive till sample results.

Exploration drilling at the Kogoyok target consisted of 10 holes totaling 1474 meters, wherein numerous mineralized intercepts were encountered over a broad area at vertical intersection depths from 20-130m (see significant gold results – table1).

A large zone of gold mineralization was identified within the Kogoyok target, up to 10m in width over 250m strike length, coincident with visible gold identified within several units of the stratigraphy.

Results from Kogoyok included 16GSE492 (2.62g/t over 2.30m, with visible gold) and 16GSE494 (2.37g/t over 1.90m, with visible gold). Interpretation and integration of the geology and gold assays for refined modelling and review with similar Back River deposit footprints are next steps with the goal of ultimately vectoring toward new deposit discovery.

At the Hivogani zone, two drillholes spaced 500m apart and totaling 397 meters were completed within a broadly defined 2km target area characterized by anomalous gold values from rock and till sampling and moderate to strong IP chargeability trends.

Results of the recent drilling confirmed the correlation of broad areas of gold mineralization with IP chargeability anomalies, areas of increased quartz veining, alteration, and disseminated sulphide mineralization, as first described at Hivogani in 2015. Drillhole 16GSE509 intersected 1.0m of 2.68g/t Au in a zone of increased veining and alteration.

Sabina is encouraged by the new deposit model of clastic sediment-hosted gold within Back River stratigraphy and continues to actively explore the concept on a broad scale.