The sale will result in an upfront payment of GBP19.5 million for the NDA, followed by a further payment of at least GBP50.5 million in the next six years. The sale represents further continuation of the NDA’s programme of asset disposals, all raising funds which the NDA can put towards its core mission of decommissioning the UK’s fleet of existing nuclear power stations.

The consortium will now progress with detailed site investigations to determine the exact location for its proposed nuclear development and then apply for the necessary planning and licensing permissions. Land surplus to requirements will be returned to the NDA.

John Clarke, NDA commercial director said: “The sale of this land is a significant milestone in our asset disposal programme and follows on from the successful sale of land at three of our sites earlier this year. The £450 million generated from these sales will be utilised to support the NDA’s clean-up mission and is good news for the UK taxpayer.”