Coordinating Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung was quoted by The Jakarta Post as saying that the country would soon begin the construction of the geothermal power plant project.

"It will be the largest geothermal power plant in the world," Tanjung added.

The new geothermal power plant’s operation will play a major role in the government’s plan to boost power supply by about 60 gigawatts by 2022.

Due to problems related to land acquisition and permit issuance, at least 30 geothermal projects have been delayed, leaving country’s most of geothermal resources unused.

To be built and operated by Medco Power Indonesia, the geothermal power plant will have a power-generation capacity of 330MW and is considered to be the largest geothermal power plant in the world.

Medco Power president director Fazil Alfitri said the project field work is expected to start in early 2015 in Sarulla, North Sumatra.