A ribbon-cutting and dedication ceremony is scheduled at 11 a.m. today at the Macon Missouri Solar Energy Farm, located at 3007 Kellogg Ave. City officials, state and local legislators and representatives from the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (MJMEUC) will be in attendance.

At slightly over 3.2 MW, the Macon solar farm will be used by the 35-member cities of the Missouri Public Energy Pool (MoPEP), including the City of Macon. Macon has owned its electric utility since 1890 and became a member of MoPEP for power purchases in 2000. The Macon site solar farm will provide clean, emission-free, renewable electricity generating an estimated 4,990 MWh of clean solar power the first year of operation, enough to support the annual needs of 300 homes and offset 122,754 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The solar farm, which began producing power to Macon in May, is comprised of more than 10,800 solar panels and 30 miles of wiring.

Groundbreaking on the Trenton solar farm is scheduled for Wed., July 8, with expected completion set for late 2016.

"We’re thrilled these solar projects will have such a definite impact for Missourians living in these communities as well as for the energy savings that will be generated," said Michael Gardner, principal of Gardner Capital and president of Gardner Capital Solar Development.

In February, Gardner completed its first solar development project in rural North Carolina providing tax equity financing for six solar systems totaling 37.5 MW to the Duke and North Carolina Easter Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA). Heelstone Energy, LLC was the project developer. The Missouri projects mark the first time Gardner will develop, syndicate and own the solar projects from construction to completion.

"Gardner Capital has a strong commitment to sustainable investments and we are pleased to provide our investors with access to renewable energy projects developed with such a viable partner as MC Power Companies," Gardner said.

The Macon solar farm is the second project of its kind completed by MC Power for MJMEUC. That solar site in Butler, Missouri, began producing energy in March 2014.

"Macon Municipal Utilities has been amazing to work with, and the staff has worked hard and taken the time to insure this solar project serves the community appropriately," said Tony Ross, president and CEO of MC Power Companies. "They have also made sure it fits within the goals of the MoPEP group of cities."