Mr Rossi is co-inventor together with Alan Fleming, (chief operations officer), of the ClosedCycled Principal and the driving force behind the technology promoted by Garb.
Igor Plahuta, director of European operations and chief technology officer, is the developer and patent registrant for most of the technology related to Garb. Together this new team is setting the company on a new direction, Garb Oil & Power said.
Garb said that it will concentrate on promoting its e-waste plants and tire recycling plants into the market place both in the US and abroad. Garb will continue to focus on e-scrap as a primary technology and continue to refine both the applications and end products deriving from e-waste.
Garb said that its focus has changed from simply selling its e-waste and tire recycling plants into the open market, to building its own plants both within and outside the US. This new focus will enable Garb to market its products directly to its main customers as primary raw material.
Over the last few months Garb’s management team has concentrated in reducing the company’s debt while preparing and positioning the company into focusing on the new corporate direction. Mr Rossi expects this process to be finished by end of third quarter.