In the Outlook 2015-2017 plan, the company has set a target to double earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) with respect to the 181 million reported in 2014, and estimates the sales to be close to 3100MW this year.

The plan will allow the company to maintain a dividend policy, with minimum payout of 25%, as well as its position in the markets of India, Mexico, Brazil and China.

The company is also considering expanding its footprint in the US, Europe, Asia Pacific and Africa.

Gamesa expects the increase in MW under maintenance, new long-term contracts and products offering to account for 20% growth in revenues through 2017.

In order to gain market share, Gamesa is planning launch a new 3.3MW platform as well as extend its 2.5MW platform to India and Brazil.

In an effort to attain more than 8% of EBIT margin, strict control of fixed expenses will be implemented by the company, which will also launch continuous improvement programs to improve profitability ratios.

Prior to 2017, the company also intends to expand in both the onshore and offshore wind business as well as in areas including solar and offgrid.