The Turkey Point station is located in Florida City in Miami-Dade County around 25 miles south of Miami. The Turkey Point station has 2,196 MW of power generation capacity. Turkey Point units include – the 398 MW oil/natural gas-fired Unit 1, the 400 MW oil/gas-fired Unit 2, two 693 MW nuclear units, 3 and 4, the 1,150 MW combined-cycle gas-fired Unit 5 and 2 MW and 3 MW oil-fired turbines.
Unit 1 started power generation in 1967, Unit 2 in 1968, Unit 3 in 1972, Unit 4 in 1973 and Unit 5 in 2007. The 100% power generation is carried on in unit 3.
One MW of power supply serves approximately 300 homes in Florida. The company intends to augment 400 MW of capacity to its St. Lucie and Turkey Point reactors by spending approximately $1.5 billion by 2012.
During 2009, the company intends to file with the NRC to build two of Toshiba Corp/Shaw Group Inc’s Westinghouse Electric Co 1,100 MW AP1000 reactors at Turkey Point. FPL also announced that it is also considering General Electric Co/Hitachi Ltd’s 1,550 MW Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor technology.
If FPL decides to go ahead with the plan for new reactors, then the 6 and 7 units would commence power production in a time span from 2018-2020. The two AP1000 reactors and required transmission upgrades would cost around $12 billion-$18 billion, while the two GE reactors would cost $16.5 billion-$24.3 billion, stated the company in a state regulator filing.
Florida-based, FPL supplies approximately 38,000 MW of power across the US, markets energy commodities and transmits and distributes electricity to around 4.5 million customers in Florida.