An agreement to this effect has been signed by EnBW and STAWAG. Following the acquisition of the STAWAG share, EnBW now owns 714MW of installed power in Bexbach, increasing its electricity obtainment right to 100%.
In 2008, EnBW began an investment program in which it defined the expansion of its generation capacities as a major objective for the company.
Hans-Peter Villis, chairman and CEO of EnBW, said: “In 2009, EnBW was able to increase its generation capacities by 1100MW in the space of just a few months. This was achieved through the acquisition of shares in the Lippendorf Block S, Rostock and Bexbach coal-fired power stations, through the acquisition of three new onshore wind parks in Germany, and through the acquisition of electricity obtainment rights from the Buschhaus power station.”
EnBW is also constructing a coal-fired power station in Karlsruhe with a gross nominal output of 912MW. At the start of October, EnBW agreed with E.ON on the mutual exchange of generation capacities of 800MW, meaning that in future EnBW will have access to 800MW of power from German power stations. By way of return, E.ON is to purchase from EnBW its 800MW of electricity produced at EDF nuclear power plants in France.