The deal is expected to allow more efficient use of energy while reducing losses. This would help strengthen energy security while helping the country in meeting greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

Following completion of COP21 climate talks in Paris in 2015, the Kazakhstan announced its plan reduce its CO2 emissions and increase the sustainable use of energy.

The collaboration will focus on assessing potential modernization and energy efficiency improvements in gas compressor stations and gas networks, systems responsible for the monitoring and control of fugitive greenhouse gas emissions and of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems.

In May 2016, EBRD has announced funding of nearly €300m to two projects in Kazakhsta.

The projects include modernization of gas networks and upgrade of the Bozoi underground gas storage.

Earlier, EBRD has supported Kazakhstan’s efforts to drive towards a green economy by financing the solar and wind power renewable energy projects, a range of energy efficiency projects, as well as by supporting the introduction of renewable energy law and supporting.

KazTransGas is engaged in the transportation, sale, exploration and production of natural gas in Kazakhstan.

Image: Kazakhstan intends to increase the sustainable use of energy. Photo: courtesy of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.