The project will comprise two up to 1.2GW offshore wind farms which will connect via underground cables into the national grid at the existing Lackenby substation, near Eston in Redcar and Cleveland.

The three public events are part of the development’s final phase of pre-application consultation, which started on Monday 4 November and runs until Friday 20 December.

In total the development could have 400 turbines with the closest being 165 kilometres (102 miles) from shore, as well as two new onshore converter stations to be located in the south-western corner of the Wilton Complex, Teesside.

The events will enable stakeholders, in particular the community living or working near the proposed onshore cable route and converter stations, to learn all about the project and submit their comments. Forewind staff will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the proposals. The events are on as follows:


Date (2013)


The Hub, 28-29 Esplanade, Redcar, TS10 3AE

Friday 22 November

2.00pm – 7.30pm

Lazenby Village Hall, High Street, Lazenby, TS6 8DU

Saturday 23 November

10:30am – 4.30pm

Zetland Park Methodist Church, The Crescent, Redcar, TS10 3AU

Monday 25 November

11:00am – 6.00pm

This consultation is the culmination of more than three years of work including onshore and offshore surveys, consultation and technical assessments. Documents published for the consultation, and available to view at the events, local libraries and at, include the draft Environmental Statement and a Non-Technical Summary giving an overview of the project, its potential impacts and proposed mitigation.

Consultation responses can be submitted in person at the public exhibitions, by email to, to our Freepost address or by calling Forewind on Freephone 0800 975 5636.