
The company is connecting temporary surface facilities in a bid to conduct production tests to assess the two primary hydrocarbon bearing zones discovered in the TRM3 and GRM Sandstones.

In addition to determining the potential of the upper TRM Sands, Cooper Energy intends to define the oil accumulation extent the in the K1 Sandstone reservoir, over the two-week testing period.

Cooper Energy managing director David Maxwell said: "Preliminary results from Bunian-4 are very encouraging for both reserves and production potential and we look forward to the results of the production tests to assist us in progressing the development plan for the field.

Maxwell recently said: "The preliminary results from Bunian-4 are very encouraging, particularly the TRM3 Sand and the possibility of a new pool discovery in the GRM Sandstone."

Discovered in 1998, the Bunian oil field produced over 1 million barrels of oil, primarily from in Bunian-1where the 2.8m of net pay identified in the TRM3 Sand.

Cooper Energy Sukananti operates the Tangai-Sukananti KSO with 55% stake while Mega Adhyaksa Pratama Sukananti holds the remaining stake.

Image: The Bunian oil field produced over 1 million barrels of oil. Photo: courtesy of suwatpo/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net.