According to the Platts news agency, coal-fired Kilrood power plant, which currently generates 20% of Northern Ireland’s CO2 emissions, has been given permission by the Northern Ireland department of enterprise, trade and investment (DETI) to install flue gas desulfurization (FGD) equipment.
The new technology will reduce the level of harmful emissions from the power station. Kilroot applied to install FGD equipment to comply with the European Large Combustion Plant (LCPD) Directive that limits greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired plant and comes into force from January 1, 2008.
The decision has incurred wrath from a number of areas including the UK energy regulator, which is engaged in a long running dispute with Kilrood over who pays for the new technology. The regulator is concerned that customers could be left with the GBP40 million bill.
However, in giving its permission for the upgrades to take place, the government department has stipulated that Kilrood must further develop its renewable fuel capacity and agree to address its dispute with the regulator.