The consulting services will be contracted in different consecutive lots and will encompass the scope of services from basic investigations, review of existing documents, tendering of additional studies and testing of existing machinery and equipment, drawing up the rehabilitation schedule, tendering of equipment and civil works in different steps, supervision of construction and erection works, shop inspections, acceptance tests and handing over to EPCG.

The current tender will involve the preparatory works which consists of testing all equipment and civil structures, tendering for the reconstruction/replacement of the equipment which does not need testing and establishment of the preliminary design and feasibility study. At the same time the tender will encompass an option for the consulting services for the execution of the first lot A of rehabilitation measures.

Consultants will be selected through International Competitive Bidding in accordance with the procedures set out in the current edition of KfW Guidelines published on the KfW website: .

Cooperation between consultancy firms is permitted in order to enhance their qualifications and to better suit the technical requirements of the current project. In the case of cooperation between consultancy firms, the joint venture is required to nominate a lead party and to present a draft agreement clearly indicating a binding description of the scope of work performed by each party.

The respective cooperation between consultancy firms will have to be established already for the participation in this prequalification process and will be binding for the entire Tender Procedure.

The Prequalification documents shall present the usual information on financial status, relevant experience on similar hydro power plants, personnel structure and key personnel to indicate that the consultant is qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. as described in full details in the Prequalification Notice). Information on prequalification can be requested via e-mail from the Tender Agent Dr. Franz-Dietmar Sprenger: exclusively between 3 September and 8 September 2007.

CONTACT: Dr.-Ing. Franz Dietmar Sprenger, Obergasse 21, 61 273 Wehrheim. Tel.: +49 (0)60 81 – 44 34 24. Fax: +49 (0)60 81 – 44 38 52. Email: