Located in the North Liaodong Bay in Bohai with water depth in the range of 6.5m to 10.5m, the Jinzhou 9-3 independent oilfield is 100% owned and operated by CNOOC.
The project’s main production facilities comprise one central processing platform, one wellhead platform and 21 producing wells.
Approximately 7,600 barrels of crude oil per day is being produced currently by 15 wells.
The project is expected to reach its ODP designed peak production of about 12,000 barrels per day in 2015.
Separately, CNOOC has unveiled its business strategy and development plan for 2015.
The company’s net production target for 2015 is in the range of 475 to 495 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE), of which production from China and overseas accounts for about 67% and 33%, respectively.
CNOOC is planning to produce about 509 and 513 million BOE in 2016 and 2017, respectively.
The company aims to drill about 162 exploration wells and acquire around 36,000km of 2-Dimensional (2D) seismic data as well as approximately 14,000km² of 3-Dimensional (3D) seismic data.