String joint boxes, or combiner boxes, are used to aggregate the output of multiple strings of PV modules for connection to the solar inverter. Clenergy’s new SJB series brings benefits including real-time monitoring, data collection and transmission.

It is furthermore developed with keeping future developments in mind and has therefore the ability to be modularly enhanced as requirements change.

Clenergy SJB product manager Hisashi Matika said SJB series delivers high quality and outstanding performance in a competitively priced package.

"Our combination of the Clenergy SJB hardware and the local partner software, delivers cutting edge real-time monitoring service and accurate PV generation reports to our clients," Matika added.

The Clenergy SJB series debuted at October’s PV EXPO (Osaka) and received wide acclaim from developers, EPC and installation specialists.

The product has recently been installed at a 2.5MW solar farm in Kanegasaki, Japan, in conjunction with Clenergy’s SolarTerrace III ground mount system.