The VTEM survey modeling has defined three priority targets, including Target E1, Target E2 and Target E3, which will be subject to a drill program.
Canada Carbon CEO & director Bruce Duncan said the high-priority drill targets from VTEM geophysics enables Canada Carbon to seek new graphite mineralization on the Miller property.
"These new drill targets are all located close to known graphite mineralization at surface, and the technical team is optimistic that graphitic bodies are the source of the EM anomalies identified by the VTEM survey," Duncan added.
"More drilling adjacent to the trench zone will also help our team in modeling the graphite vein and pod distribution, while providing information about the grade, and quantity of mineralization present," Duncan continued.
The Target E1 and E2 horizontal conductors would correspond to altered rock units located over an intrusive body where as the sub-vertical target E3 could correlate with graphite veins arising from a deeper source.
"Graphite mineralization assayed to date has yielded high in situ concentrations of graphite, which can be upgraded to very high purity."