Infill drill intersections support the FE1 Ore Model which now covers an area of over 164,000sq m.
The 2,893m drilling program was designed as an infill program to test the Fe1 prospect to inferred resource status, and comprises of 17 Reverse Circulation drill holes (RC) and 1 PQ Diamond core hole.
Drilling at FE1 now totals 28 RC holes and 1 PQ/NQ diamond core hole.
Ore intersected in the PQ diameter diamond drill core, (AHDH0002 84m magnetite from 72m down hole) was sent directly to China and is also being tested in Australia as part of the beneficiation and metallurgical test work that will form part of the scoping study.
Further optimal grind assessment is underway to test for a grind size greater than 109 microns, the company said.