Initially, the company proposed to eliminate about 14,000 jobs in order to create a sustainable, competitive and profitable platinum business for the benefit of all shareholders in the long term.

The company said, following a consultation process with the Department of Mineral Resources, it could the original proposal and significantly reduce the number of mining and processing jobs affected to nearly 6,000.

On 19 August 2013, Amplats announced that about 900 corporate and overhead jobs are also to be affected in the restructuring process.

Amplats, together with its stakeholders, recognized a variety of retrenchment avoidance measures to reduce the number of affected jobs. These measures further brought the number of staff to be retrenched to nearly 3,300.

The company is also working with its key stakeholders to co-create a Social Impact Mitigation Plan (SIMP).

Anglo American Platinum CEO Chris Griffith said, "This comprehensive package of measures that we and our stakeholders have worked so hard to achieve will enable us to restructure Anglo American Platinum, to return the business to a sound footing and
to create and sustain employment opportunities into the long term."