The Canada-based exploration and development company will carry out 2,000-2,200m of diamond drilling on the Backbone gold-bearing tourmaline breccia zone at the Red Springs project.

In this connection, the company has given a contract to Apex Diamond Drilling of Smithers, B.C. to begin the diamond drilling program for eight drill holes at two drilling pads.

The first phase of the diamond drilling program at the Red Springs project will evaluate a maximum of 15m wide surface high sulphide, quartz-carbonate-tourmaline breccia zone by utilizing certain shallow and lower dip angle holes.

Other deep holes having higher dip angles will focus on high IP chargeability or lower-resistivity anomalies which are considered to be associated with sulphide mineralization.

The goal of the phase one diamond drilling program at the Red Springs project is to establish the width, continuity and grade of gold-bearing tourmaline breccia mineralisation at depth.

Another goal of the drilling program is to show the viability of IP geophysics as an exploration tool for the mineralization at the Red Springs project. Further, it is expected to give scope for additional down-hole geophysics to better define the geometry of any mineralization encountered during the diamond drilling program.

Jaxon Mining COO Tony Guo said: “We are fortunate the weather in the Smithers area in October of this year is still good to drill this significant high-grade gold-bearing quartz-carbonate-tourmaline breccia mineralization zone which was found to be coincident with high chargeability and low-resistivity anomalies in the Backbone area.”

The first batch of samples following the current drilling program at the Red Springs project is likely to be provided to the lab for assay by early November 2018. Jaxon Mining expects to wrap up the diamond drilling program by the end of this month.

Last month, Jaxon Mining identified the Backbone as a gold-bearing tourmaline breccia zone having a 1000-metre long strike, with a width of up to 15m. According to assay results released in the past, the zone indicates the mineralization existence of high-grade gold up to 25.86 g/t with cobalt, copper, antimony and silver credits, said the Canadian miner.