The jacket, weighing more than 1,700 tons shall be shipped to the German North Sea beginning of March, provided the weather allows it.

The substation topside, which was assembled at the Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen yard, shall be loaded on the pontoon later this month.

The joint venture Smulders-Eiffage was chosen by Van Oord for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation of the topside and jacket. Smulders was to cover the steel constructions, architectural outfitting, sea fastening and load out of the topside plus the steel construction, sea fastening and load out of the jacket. Our partner CG was responsible for the HV/MV, while Eiffage was in charge of the LX/AUX.

The Deutsche Bucht offshore wind farm, owned by Northland Power, will be an impressive wind farm with 33 turbines, situated 95 kilometers northwest of Germany’s Borkum Island. The wind farm will have a total capacity of 269 megawatts, which will be sufficient to power approximately 328,000 households.

Source: Company Press Release