The Environment Plan (EP) for the gas export pipeline installation was accepted by the regulator NOPSEMA in March 2020


Santos to vigorously defend federal court proceedings. (Credit: 466654 from Pixabay)

Santos respects the cultural heritage of the Tiwi people and while we understand and respect there are a range of views about the Barossa gas project, we will vigorously defend Federal Court proceedings commenced by the Environmental Defenders Office on behalf of Mr Simon Munkara.

The Environment Plan (EP) for the gas export pipeline installation was accepted by the regulator NOPSEMA in March 2020.  Santos has, at all times, complied with the applicable regulations and requirements stipulated by NOPSEMA, and the regulator has monitored that compliance.

Santos rejects the allegations in the application that there are significant environmental impacts or risks in relation to submerged Tiwi cultural heritage.

Provided the GEP pipelay is completed in 2023, and drilling activities commence before the end of the year, guidance to the market on Barossa cost and schedule remains unchanged.

In the event any injunction is granted, Santos will need to assess any impact on the schedule and cost of the Barossa Gas Project and will update the market accordingly.

Source: Company Press Release