The iCES system operates by providing energy usage information and behavior change tools to motivate and enable consumers to save energy.

The SELCO pilot program, which covers 50 residential and municipal buildings, including two schools, will allow GroundedPower to span pilots in all electric metering environments including legacy, AMR and AMI smart meters and bring the number of homes and buildings in pilots using iCES to more than 400.

The SELCO project that aims to determine whether energy efficiency and demand response effectiveness can be enhanced through the use of a system that integrates energy monitoring with customer engagement and behavior tools, will use wireless gateway that reads information from AMR meters for the purpose.

These tools include a social media platform which enables the users to interact with each other, exchange ideas and obtain feedback. SELCO plans to use the result of the project to determine the savings that can be achieved through behavior change and to motivate consumers to participate in the energy management process.

Thomas Josie, general manager of SELCO, said: “We chose GroundedPower because they have done the research and analysis to understand the behavioral drivers behind energy efficiency, as well as the potential savings that result from permanent behavior changes.”