to help construction companies fight for new business during the coming downturn has been launched by Policy Publications of the UK.

Called Bidding for Business, the pack contains three complimentary publications, each designed to make construction companies more effective when they bid for new contracts. The three are:

• Winning New Business in Construction.This report focuses on 61 critical success factors which construction firms need to address as they fight for new business. It shows how those construction firms which win the highest proportion of their competitive bids become better at understanding and communicating with prospective customers than their less successful competitors.

• Bidding for Business: the Skills Agenda explores 20 bidding skills nominated as most important by business development and bidding managers. The skills include making a winning presentation and completing tender documents successfully.

• The Contract Bid Manager’s Toolkit. This is a set of 30 management tools – such as tables and checklists – designed to help companies pitch for new business more successfully. The tools in the toolkit are based on those actually used to win contracts worth several million dollars.

Professor Colin Coulson-Thomas, head of the National Centre for Competitiveness at the University of Luton, and executive editor of the Resource Pack, said: ‘No construction firm should under estimate the difficulties of winning new business during the coming year. Our research shows that success at winning new contracts is directly related to the number of critical success factors put in place.’