The development of hydrogen fuel cells could net GBP500 million for the Scottish economy and sustain 10,000 jobs, according to a report published by the Hydrogen Energy Group.

In its report, the group has set out its vision to the Forum for Renewable Energy Development in Scotland (FREDS) and made a number of suggestions on how Scotland can maximize the potential of the new technology.

I am committed to making Scotland the European powerhouse of clean, green energy and hydrogen fuel cells are increasingly seen as a major element of our energy future, deputy first minister Nicol Stephen, who also chairs FREDS, told the annual conference of the British Wind Energy Association in Glasgow.

Today’s report further highlights hydrogen’s potential, not just for the development of renewable energy, but the impact it could have on Scotland’s economy with the creation of thousands of jobs…I am determined to see further progress in this area and look forward to hearing more in the coming months.