England had a reduction of 10.63m ton while Scotland and Wales reduced 8.37m tons and 1.34m tons respectively.

Commenting on the figures Scottish Renewables senior policy manager Joss Blamire remarked that the reports indicate a 15% contribution by the company towards the reduced emissions.

"This is proof that Scotland’s renewables industry is establishing itself as one of the most effective weapons in tackling climate change and addressing the greatest threat to our natural environment.

"Renewable electricity produced in Scotland by technologies such as wind and hydro already amounts to over one third of the total used in all of our homes and businesses, and these latest figures are evidence that we are delivering further real benefits," said Blamire.

WWF Scotland director Dr Richard Dixon added, "This is a very significant contribution to reducing Scotland overall emissions and gives the lie to those who claim that renewables do not make a real difference. Meeting Scotland’s 100 per cent by 2020 target for renewable electricity will make a huge difference to Scotland’s climate change emissions.