The well is located in the Mamo district, Independencia municipality, south of Anzoategui state, on the border of Petromonagas and Petrovictoria production blocks, within the range of the Carabobo Division; block of higher production and faster growth within the vast territory of the largest hydrocarbon reservoir on the planet.
The work was executed in 53 days and was done by drill PDV-17. The well has three arms, two of which were drilled towards the block Carabobo 2 North, which belongs to Petrovictoria, emerging company that is part of the new developments at the Hugo Chavez Orinoco Oil Belt.
Engineers captured information of the reservoir shared by the two companies of Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA). The study is the basis for updating the geological model of the future shared PCBU (21-B), which will be used for this drilling cluster’s exploitation plan.
Production plans are moving full steam ahead at the main oil reservoir, with the mystique of revolutionary female and male workers at the Belt, who are fulfilling the objectives of the Homeland Plan Act 2013-2019 with the implementation of new oil projects to benefit the Venezuelan people.