The well was designed to test a prospect located in the southwestern part of the Est Cobalcescu (block EX-28, Petroceltic 40%, operator) concession.

The company noted that the well encountered good quality sandstone reservoirs at the target Miocene stratigraphic levels with gas shows, but the well has been abandoned due to the absence of significant amount of hydrocarbons.

Currently, the firm studying the well data in conjunction with the 3D seismic data acquired in 2012, to update the regional geologic model to support planning for future activities on the block.

The GSP Prometeu drilling rig, which drilled the Cobalcescu well, is now being moved to the Muridava concession to spud the Muridava-1 exploration well, to a planned depth of circa 3150m.

The well, which is in line with the existing Olimpiskaya and Eugenia discoveries, is expected to include multiple targets in the Eocene, Palaeocene and Cretaceous formations with combined unrisked prospective resources of 169bcf.

The drilling of the Muridava-1 exploration well is expected to take around two months, noted Petroceltic.

Petroceltic International chief executive Brian O’Cathain said the good quality of sandstone reservoirs in the Miocene interval have been confirmed at the Cobalcescu South-1 well.

"We now look forward to drilling Muridava-1, where some other regionally proven play types independent of the Miocene objectives at Cobalcescu South will be evaluated," O’Cathain added.