Located 1.4 km south-southeast of CH-7, the CH-46 kimberlite was discovered in 2010 by RC drilling
A sample of RC chips from CH-46 has produced 246 diamonds larger than the 0.106mm sieve size, including two diamonds larger than the 0.600mm sieve size.
Peregrine Diamonds said: "The CH-46 kimberlite will be the subject of a future core drilling program to better assess diamond content and constrain the size and geology of the pipe."
Earlier this year, ground magnetic survey for a total of 2,250kms was completed over an area that includes the Southern Priority Area that is said to host kimberlites with economic potential, including CH-6, CH-7 and CH-44, which are scheduled for bulk sampling in 2015.
In May, the company reported 7.47 million carat inferred resource for the top 250m of the CH-6 kimberlite.
Peregrine Diamonds is currently preparing for 2015 bulk sampling, core drilling on key kimberlites, heli-portable RC drilling, prospecting and heavy mineral sampling, as part of its summer 2014 program.