The report contains the NRC staff’s conclusion that potential environmental impacts do not preclude renewing the plant’s license to operate for an additional 20 years.
Limerick is the site of two boiling-water reactors owned and operated by Exelon Generation Co. LLC. The company submitted a license renewal application for the plant on June 22, 2011, to extend the licenses for 20 years beyond the current expiration dates of Oct. 26, 2024, for Unit 1 and June 22, 2029, for Unit 2.
The NRC issued a draft environmental impact statement for public comment in April 2013. The final report includes summaries of comments received and the staff’s responses.
The final report also draws upon the analysis and findings in the NRC’s generic environmental impact statement on license renewal; the environmental report submitted by Exelon; and consultation with federal, state, tribal and local agencies.
The NRC completed its technical review of the license renewal application and published its Safety Evaluation Report in January 2013, with a supplement published in early August 2014.