Air protection technology provider Nalco Mobotec has signed a contract with Zespol Elektrowni PAK for the modernization of one of the boilers at the Patnow I Power Plant located in Konin, Poland.

The modernization project, which will be implemented at boiler no-5 in the power plant, is scheduled for completion in August 2012.

Nalco claims that the project will result in the reduction of NOx emissions, thereby allowing Zespol to meet for this boiler the new air emission requirements under the EU Industrial Emissions Directive for 2016.

The increased combustion efficiency will also contribute to the improvement of the boiler efficiency, which will allow Zespol to burn less lignite (brown coal), resulting in significant fuel savings, the company said.

The modernization project includes the installation of Nalco’s patented ROFA (rotating opposed fire air) and ROTAMIX technologies for combustion optimisation and NOx reduction, in conjunction with modifications undertaken by Remak Rozruch to upgrade the boiler firing and control systems.