The contract will see M+W providing engineering and construction, installation and management of the factory, which will enable integrated production from monocrystalline silicon-ingot to the module from mid-2015.
EPSE plans to begin production from mid-2015 at the factory, which is being built on, and also plans to include upstream polysilicon production later (in a second stage).
General contractor Schmid Group and M+W Group bid jointly for the contract and won the tender. Schmid will supply advanced production systems, mainly from its own portfolio, that help produce high-efficiency solar cells at low cost.
Spanning across a surface area of 13,000m2, the factory will supply its glass-foil modules for the energy supply needs of the gold and copper mines and the irrigation systems in the province, as well as considers Mercosur states as potential sales markets for the modules.
M+W Group CEO Jurgen Wild said the company will contribute in EPSE’s efforts to increase solar power share in the energy mix.
"Annual solar radiation of over 2,300 kWh per square meter offers the best conditions for this. At the same time, M+W Group can expand its global presence to include one further, important country," said Wild.