The connection of a 10 MW solar photovoltaic power plant to Abu Dhabi’s grid marks an important milestone in the development of the emirate’s green city, or ecopolis, according to Masdar.
The new plant will provide energy for the ongoing construction activities of Masdar City and will also meet all the energy needs of the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology – another cornerstone of the Masdar Initiative – that is due to open later this year.
The 10 MW plant, which cost around $50 million to build, consists of 87 777 panels, half of which are crystalline silicon and half thin film. It will generate over 17 GWh of energy per year.
“Masdar’s 10 MW solar power plant is a testament to our leadership’s dedication to the advancement of renewable energy,” Masdar CEO Dr. Sultan Al Jaber was quoted as saying in Gulf News. “The connection of this plant marks an important milestone in the development of Masdar City and in our emirate’s history.”
Masdar City will be the world’s first zero carbon, zero waste city and will host the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, a graduate-level institution dedicated to research and development into renewable energy.