The development is a part of a PLN333m ($83m) contact awarded by Bialystok’s municipal solid waste management company, Przedsiebiorstwo Uslugowo-Handlowo-Produkcyjne to Keppel and partners.
The consortium comprising Budimex and Cespa Compania Espanola de Servicios Publicos Auxiliares was awarded the contract in 2012 to carry out engineering, procurement and construction services.
Bialystok plant is designed to process approximately 120,000 tons of waste and supply approximately 7.6MW of electricity to the grid during summer.
During winter, the facility will export 6.1 MW of electricity to the grid and supply 17.5MW of thermal energy to Bialystok’s district heating.
The project features air-cooled grate and vertical boiler designed by Keppel Seghers to provide efficient energy recovery and operational reliability.
Additional features of the plant include an incineration bottom ash handling system capable of extracting ferrous, non-ferrous and aggregate for recycling and a fly ash solidification plant.
Keppel Infrastructure CEO Dr Ong Tiong Guan said: "We are happy to have leveraged Keppel Seghers’ proven, technologically advanced and sustainable waste management solutions to support Poland in achieving its environmental goals and meet its commitment to the implementation of the European Union Landfill Directive which involves reducing landfilling of biodegradable waste."