E.ON is working vigorously toward the goal of making renewable energy competitive by keeping it as cost-effective as possible for customers. Above and beyond its own initiatives, E.ON is also among the signatories to the Declaration of the European Wind Energy Association calling for the cost of energy from offshore wind farms to be cut by half by 2025. An important prerequisite cited involves the continued industrialization of the sector.

E.ON sees European energy policy as another key to the successful expansion of wind energy. E.ON is calling for harmonized terms with respect to the assistance provided for renewable energy. Moreover, E.ON supports the initiative aimed at linking together European offshore wind farms via a shared power grid. This integrated network would make it possible to balance supply and demand for energy generated at sea on a Europe-wide basis, thereby ensuring more efficient use of offshore wind farms.

E.ON also aims to continue investing in new wind farms. As the company announced, it will remain focused on markets in Europe and the US. It plans, for instance, to build a new offshore wind farm in Europe every two years. While in the US, the company has a project pipeline and access to outstanding locations for the construction of offshore wind farms.

Last year, E.ON put the Humber Gateway wind farm in the British sector and the Amrumbank West wind farm in the German sector of the North Sea into operation. Currently, E.ON is constructing the Rampion offshore wind farm in the English Channel, with an output of 400 megawatts. By early 2017, construction will get underway on the Arkona offshore wind farm in the German sector of the Baltic Sea. Arkona will have an output of 385 megawatts.

After establishing a separate unit for renewable energy in 2007, renewable energy has since become a central pillar of E.ON’s strategy, alongside power grids and customer solutions. E.ON is now number 2 worldwide in the field of offshore wind. E.ON has invested more than €10 billion in renewable energy, thereby making a significant contribution to climate protection. The green power generation park has so far mitigated 60 million tons of CO2 emissions. In September, E.ON will take part in Wind Energy in Hamburg, the leading global trade fair for power generated from wind.