The NRC Licensed Facilities contract is for managing Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) storage facilities and licenses under NRC regulations.
The scope includes the management and operation of the Fort Saint Vrain (FSV) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) facility in Colorado (including security); the management, operation and oversight of the Three Mile Island-2 (TMI-2) ISFSI facility at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) in Idaho; and management of the Idaho Spent Fuel Facility (ISFF) license. This is a hybrid type contract with Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP), Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) and Cost-Reimbursable (CR) Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs). The approximate value of this contract is $31.6M with a base period of four years and one one-year option. Six proposals were received in response to this solicitation.
The work to be performed under the contract is to provide management, operation and oversight of the NRC licensed facilities, in accordance with the NRC licenses for the following:
-Management and operation of the Fort Saint Vrain (FSV) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) facility (license number Special Nuclear Material (SNM)-2504) in Colorado,
-Management, operation, and oversight of the Three Mile Island-2 (TMI-2) ISFSI facility (license number SNM-2508) at Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center (INTEC) in Idaho, and
-Management of the Idaho Spent Fuel Facility (ISFF) license (license number SNM-2512).
The services to be provided under this acquisition shall include, but are not limited to, services for operations, physical security, general infrastructure (including utilities and communication services), maintenance and execution of the key programs (worker safety and health, occupational medical program, Integrated Safety Management System, emergency management, quality assurance, radiation protection, waste management, safeguards and security, information management, records management, property management, training, radiological environmental monitoring, aging management, natural gas and oil monitoring and radioactive effluent control), preparation of technical evidence to support license renewal for TMI-2, support of NRC or DOE inspections, and support for information requests.
The mission of the DOE Environmental Management program is the safe cleanup of the environmental legacy resulting from five decades of nuclear weapons development and Government-sponsored nuclear energy research.