The Moura, Portugal plant will have the highest installed capacity, by far, of any facility of its type installed in the world. In addition to covering the first phase of this new photovoltaic plant, the agreement between Acciona Energia and Yingli envisages the extension of the supply for a second phase.
Acciona said that the contract will allow it to become the clear world leader in the ownership of photovoltaic assets. This is a major milestone in a sector that has been growing above 40% a year, with forecasts indicating a tripling of accumulated capacity in Europe in five years. However, the supply of equipment in the market is weak, making the development of photovoltaic energy in the world slower.
Acciona has put 35% of grid-connected photovoltaic power in Spain into service. It has installed – or is installing – over 25MW, most of which is in ‘solar gardens’ (groupings of individual owners on common land), an initiative in which the company has been a pioneer. Acciona also has the biggest photovoltaic solar plant in the country (1.2MW) near Tudela, Navarre.