RWE has announced the generation of first power at its 857MW Triton Knoll offshore wind farm off the coast of Lincolnshire, England.

The Triton Knoll project, which is situated over 32km off the Lincolnshire coast, is jointly owned by RWE, J-Power and Kansai Electric Power.

RWE has a 59% stake in the project, while J-Power owns a 25% stake and the remaining 16% interest is owned by Kansai Electric Power.

The wind farm’s construction as well as the long-term operation and maintenance works will be handled by RWE. The project is planned to be completed with a total investment of around £2bn.

The Triton Knoll offshore project is currently seeing the installation of the remainder of its 90 Vestas V164-9.5 MW turbines, after the installation of the first turbine in January.

The complete turbine commissioning is expected to be completed this year, while the final project is expected to be completed in early 2022.

Once fully operational, the Triton Knoll wind farm will provide green electricity equivalent to the annual demand of over 800,000 UK homes.

RWE Renewables chief commercial officer Tom Glover and RWE UK country chair Tom Glover said: “Achieving first power at Triton Knoll reinforces our position as a leading player in offshore wind and demonstrates our commitment to helping deliver the UK’s ambition to grow offshore wind capacity to 40 gigawatts by 2030.

“Today’s milestone is the result of many years’ collaboration with our local and national supply chain partners, and local communities with whom we have worked hard to deliver local benefits, jobs and investments, while investing in new renewable energy for over 800,000 UK homes.”

By the end of 2022, RWE targets to expand its global renewables portfolio to a capacity of more than 13GW by the end of 2022.

In December last year, the company secured planning permission from the the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) for the 342MW Kaskasi offshore wind farm.