The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has announced that OMV Norway and its partners have reduced the estimated size of its Hades gas/condensate discovery in the Norwegian Sea.

The move follows the drilling of the appraisal well 6506/11-12 S on the 6506/11-10 (Hades) gas/condensate discovery.

Located in the production licence (PL) 644, the appraisal well 6506/11-12 S was drilled about 5km west of the Morvin field in the Norwegian Sea and 240km northwest of Kristiansund.

OMV is the operator of PL 644 with 30% interest while other partners include DNO (20%), Equinor (40%), and Spirit Energy (10%).

Drilling objective was to delimit the gas/condensate discovery

The well’s drilling objective was to delimit the gas/condensate discovery in the Lange Formation toward the southwest and conduct a formation test.

Drilled using the Island Innovator semi-submersible rig to a measured depth of 4150m, the well 6506/11-12 S encountered an interpreted gas column of about 8m in the Lange Formation with variable reservoir properties from poor to moderate.

However, the gas/water contact at the well was not directly encountered.

In a statement, NPD said: “The operator’s preliminary estimate of the size of discovery 6506/11-10 (Hades) is between two and seven million standard cubic metres (Sm³) of recoverable oil equivalents.

“The licensees in production licence 644/644 B will assess the updated resources in 6506/11-10 (Hades) along with resources in the Middle Jurassic (Garn Formation) in the same discovery well, 6506/11-10 (Iris), for further follow-up.”

Extensive data acquisition was carried out at the well, which was not formation-tested.

NPD granted drilling permit to OMV Norge for well 6506/11-12 S in May 2020.