The gas-fired power plant forms part of broader program that aims to help the country address energy policy issues and meet the growing electricity demand in a sustainable manner.

Egypt deputy prime minister and International Cooperation minister Ziad Bahaa El-Din said the project will boost much needed public investments in the energy sector and support the Egyptian people during this period of political and economic transition.

”It will contribute 10 percent of the new generation capacity to be added by 2018 which is vital for Egypt’s economy,” Bahaa El-Din added.

Approximately 4,000 jobs are expected to be created by the Helwan South Power Project, 75% during construction and the rest for plant operation and maintenance.

The additional electricity generated by Helwan South will be distributed to grid-connected consumers in all sectors across Egypt, including agriculture.

Besides World Bank, the project is also supported by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Islamic Development Bank, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Deauville Partnership and the European Union.