The 287 carats diamond, the fifth large stone from this resource in three months, further reinforces management’s decision to focus operations in MOR region.

Rockwell Diamonds CEO and president James Campbell said that the 287-carat diamond second rough diamond exceeding 200 carats produced by Rockwell in its eight year and is one of the largest stones produced in the Middle Orange in recent times.

"The stone was recovered from the Saxendrift Extension property acquired in March 2012 and follows the recovery of four plus 100-carat diamonds in September 2013," Campbell added.

The diamond will be sold into the beneficiation joint venture with Steinmetz Diamonds at market value.

"These results show that our plants are correctly geared for the recovery of large diamonds that characterize the Middle Orange River region," Campbell continued.

"At our other operations, the Saxendrift Hill Complex Bulk X-ray operation is performing well with solid results."

"We are on track to commission a Bulk X-ray system early in 2014, which was procured on a rental basis."