The company has been advised by the operator that the well is now shut in with a flow tubing pressure of 11,400psi awaiting the connection of the pipeline to the separating facilities and the facilities to the well and the well will be opened to the pipeline soon.

During the test, the well has flowed gas at rates between 1.4 million cubic feet of gas per day (mmcfgpd) and 6mmcfgpd.

In addition, the well was observed to ‘slug and cough’ up drilling mud and drill solids including barite which was lost to the formation during the drilling of the well.

The well was shut in on a number of occasions to observe pressure build up and also assist the well to unload the drilling mud and help allow the well to clean up.

Observations to date indicate that the well has not yet fully cleaned up and no formation solids were observed during the production test.

The company said that it is the operator’s present intention to open the well to the pipeline and flow the well for a number of weeks whilst monitoring production.

The operator intends to carry out a washing operation using a coiled tubing unit to clear the lateral of any drilling fluids following this period of production.