The wireline pressure and sampling program has been completed. The dual packer testing confirmed that several of the sands are of low permeability and it was not possible to obtain formation fluids from them. However, reliable pressures were obtained from other sands and a mixture of filtrate and formation water was recovered from two.

The data gathered in the two wells will be analysed and integrated with seismic mapping to derive volumes of oil and gas in the Rockhopper structure. This process is expected to take some months.

As planned prior to drilling, the well is now being plugged and abandoned. Abandonment operations are expected to be completed over the weekend, after which the rig will be released from location and assigned to another operator.

Rockhopper 1 is an exploration well located in exploration permit T/18P, operated by Origin Energy some 38km west of the Yolla gas field and approximately 10km north-north-east of Trefoil 1. The side track well Rockhopper 1/ST 1 is designed to appraise the oil and gas zones discovered in the Rockhopper 1 well and is being drilled to intersect the main reservoir sections approximately 1.3km south and down dip from their penetration in Rockhopper 1.