Voith Hydro has received new orders to equip two pumped-storage plants in Austria. The company will supply energy provider Vorarlberger Illwerke AG with two pumps and a pump turbine for the two projects Obervermuntwerk II and Rellswerk in Montafon, Vorarlberg. The total value of the order is around €35 million. Within the context of Germany’s switch to renewable energy (“Energiewende”), pumped-storage plants assume an important role as an efficient and reliable technology.

For Obervermuntwerk II, Voith is to supply, assemble and commission two 170 MW storage pumps including the hydraulic torque converter. The plant will be constructed between the two reservoirs Silvretta and Vermunt and will complement the Obervermuntwerk facility, which was built in 1943. The new plant will make a decisive contribution to increasing the efficiency and capacity of the Upper Ill-Lünersee group of power plants and will be used in particular to generate peak and control energy. It is therefore an important building block for successful implementation of the European energy transition.

For the new Rellswerk, Voith Hydro will supply a 13 MW, 3-stage pump turbine, with bearing oil supply system, as well as assembly and commissioning services. The Rellswerk will also be incorporated into the existing group of power plant: thanks to the flow from the Rells creek, the Rells power plant will be able to produce around 18 GWh of additional primary energy a year. This will also increase the amount of peak and control energy available at the Lünerseewerk power plant by about 37 GWh a year.


Photo: Silvretta reservoir (Source: Vorarlberger Illwerke)