Recent CCTV inspections indicate that the existing sewer has deteriorated, and failure to rehabilitate the sewer could result in sections of the sewer collapsing, disrupting local sewerage services.

The Brighton Main Sewer Rehabilitation Project will see 4.6 kilometres of the existing sewer relined.

Melbourne Water General Manager Major Program Delivery, Eamonn Kelly, said the project will ensure a reliable system for the future and ensure the local community continues to receive safe and consistent sewerage services.

“Our site investigations have indicated we need to carry out these works to ensure the sewer does not collapse and to protect public health by reducing the likelihood of sewage spills during wet weather conditions,” said Mr Kelly.

“These essential works on the Brighton Main Sewer will increase the service life of this vital infrastructure asset by another 50 years.”

Works, which will include relining, manhole repair and rehabilitation and operational improvements to flow monitoring and control, will commence in March 2018 and are scheduled to be completed in March 2019.

Construction work hours will be Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm and Saturday, 7am to 1pm. Advance notification will be provided for any weekend or night works.

Upgrade works will take place along St Kilda Street, Esplanade and Beach Road from North Road Brighton to Orlando Street Hampton.

During the project period, residents may experience:

Changes to traffic conditions, including some road closures and temporary restrictions to street access and parking

Minor detours for pedestrians and cyclists

Mr Kelly said Melbourne Water would work with the community to ensure disruptions are kept to a minimum.

“Melbourne Water is working closely with major stakeholders including residents, cyclists, council, local businesses, community and sporting groups to mitigate impacts associated with this project.”

“Road closures, detours and decreased speed limits will be required to safely undertake these essential works.

“We’re mindful of the impacts of our work on the local community and we will work closely with affected residents to reduce these wherever possible.

“We will ensure appropriate signage is in place at all times and will notify residents well in advance of any impacts in their area.”